[Article] Kim Hyun Joong Brings Sexy Back

Asia’s bright and shining star, Kim Hyun Joong walks the fine line of sexy and youthful for a fashion magazine.
Clothing brand Hang Ten released pictures of Kim Hyun Joong and “Vintage Blue Denim Shirts” was the overall theme of the photoshoot.
Kim Hyun Joong knows how to work it with the denims. He matched a denim shirt with black jeans showing off his youthful sexiness. He manages to pose showing off his firm jaw line and barely manages to hide his muscular build underneath the different layered clothing.
A representative of Hang Ten commented, “Kim Hyun Joong easily brings the concept of ‘Vintage Blue Denim Shirts’ to life with his masculine qualities.” He further adds, “He’s able to differentiate from the denim appropriate for the Spring/Summer collection and brings out the strong factor of denim appropriate for the Fall and Winter.”
Kim Hyun Joong is one of the first Korean singers to sell over 200,000 albums in Japan this year. He is currently filming for the drama “City Conquest,” which is aimed to make its debut on air within the year. The director (Yang Yoon Ho) and producer (Baek Jin Dong) have also participated in the blockbuster hit from 2009, Iris.
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دوستان عزیز این وب نویسنده قبول میکنه.کسانی که مایل به همکاری هستن لطف کنن تو نظرات همین پست ادرس ایمیل خودشون رو به صورت خصوصی برای ما بذارن تا ما رسیدگی کنیم.

با تشکر.


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SS501 ★ Jung Min

SS501 ★ Jung Min

SS501 ★ Jung Min

SS501 ★ Jung Min

اینم عکسای هیون.

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ROMEO 2nd CONTACT in LIQUID ROOM (Sat) 2012.09.29

SS501 ★ Jung Min

29/9 opening day 
Tokyo LIQUID ROOM Ebisu location / 
time / performance (plan) 
starting at 3:30 pm Doors open 15 Part I: 
45 minutes at 17-minute opening 15:17 Part Two: starting 
fee / ticket Purchase cost: £ 5,555 
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information, please refer to the Guidelines for applicants are enclosed in CD.